Selling vs.Closing

You can be a great seller but a weak closer. Sellers like to interact with prospects and show off their product/service/solution. Sellers like to tell you about all of the great benefits and advantages their service will bring you. Sellers like to show you how things work. Sellers are hoping you like them. Closers understand that deals are won or lost at the beginning and not the end. They do the homework and research ahead of time. They anticipate what questions might be asked of them. They write out a list of questions they want to ask the prospect. They build trust, rapport and credibility within the first few minutes of a meeting. Closers talk about the 'why' vs the 'how'. Closers adeptly seek to find issues/problems. Closers will show you the impact of not solving those issues. Closers are experts at navigating the buying process:the roles and the criteria for the decision. Closers can tie their solution to the prospects issues. Closers can get the buyer to see a sense of urgency. Closers will ask you for the next meeting. They will ask who else needs to be involved to make a decision. Closers adeptly remove risk from the buying process. Closers can show you the bottom line. And yes, they know how to ask you for the business. But by the time they get to that question, it is a done deal.

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