Success Needs Your Constant Attention
The selling process has grown more challenging as shifting and erratic buyer behavior is driving another disruption of the sales profession. The digital era/the information age brought about massive changes in the way we needed to sell. The COVID economy has delivered another wave of obstacles and hurdles, but more importantly, opportunities for us to transform and improve our sales game.
One very basic and foundational component of successful selling and really successful anything is that it needs our constant attention. More-so today than ever before. Why? The landscape is a constant state of flux, of change, of upheaval.
Today's definition of success and definitely yesterday's definition may not longer apply. The ability to manage change is going to be the single biggest determinant of our success in the near term. The ability to capitalize on new requirements, the ability to lead the change, to re create ourselves, to redefine our approach to selling is a major opportunity as the market deals with massive upheaval.
That is why success needs our constant attention. No more auto pilot, no more just getting by, no more settling or accepting mediocrity. It is 'game on' and only those who adapt and stay connected to the changes will win.
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